Test APK Dependency Conflicts

Em uma aplicação antiga que fui atualizar a versão das dependências do gradle, ao executar recebi a seguinte mensagem a respeito de um conflito entre a versão da dependência com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305 para app e para test: Error:FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:preMyAppDebugAndroidTestBuild'. > Conflict with dependency 'com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305' in project … Continue lendo Test APK Dependency Conflicts


Android Gradle Plugin 2.2.0-alpha3 is missing zipalign

Today, I was trying to submit a new version of my app to Google Play and I received this message: I've verified if I was submiting the debug version of my apk and I've confirmed that I was submiting the release version generate in Build > Generate Signed APK.  I've tried to use the  zipAlignEnabled true in the release … Continue lendo Android Gradle Plugin 2.2.0-alpha3 is missing zipalign

Gradle DSL method not found: ‘runProguard()’

Fui mexer em um projeto antigo meu e por acaso esbarrei no seguinte erro: Gradle DSL method not found: 'runProguard()' Possible causes: ->The project 'TURAP' may be using a version of Gradle that does not contain the method. ->The build file may be missing a Gradle plugin. Rodando na internet descobri que o tal 'runProguard' foi … Continue lendo Gradle DSL method not found: ‘runProguard()’