What TURAP is

Concept Each product or service that has been used throughout a collaborative activity creates an experience related to who has participated to the interaction and this kind of experience is called user experience. After interacting with the products there is a reaction in which the user will accept or reject aspects of the product at … Continue lendo What TURAP is

TURAP and a new publication

I received an email with a great news today about a paper that some great teachers and I wrote advocating the TURAP: _______________________ Dear Tássio De O. S Auad, We are pleased to inform you that your paper entitled “Improving the User Experience on Mobile Apps Through Data Mining” (#68) has been accepted for the … Continue lendo TURAP and a new publication

Android iTunes Client Library

Durante o meu TCC, enquanto desenvolvia meu app Cupof Cast para usar como caso de uso do meu framework TURAP, eu tive que desenvolver outros frameworks como o Android iTunes Client Library. Esse framework tem o objetivo fazer requisições no iTunes de informações sobre podcasts e, de cada um deles, capturar a lista de episódios em seus respectivos sites. … Continue lendo Android iTunes Client Library